Simply Not Logical Discord Emojis

cristine raquel rotenbergsimply nailogicalnailogicaloh my godomgwhatoh mywhats going onwhats happening
god rotenberg
rotenberg nailogical
simply allowed
simply not
thinking out
at simply
just these
simply here
simply simply
hear not
logical not
rotenberg holy
simply raquel
simply logical
cool not
yeah not
rotenberg illogic
simply logical
cristine see
cristine youre
what cristine
away logical
whats rotenberg
simply money
makes that
any simply
it rotenberg
nailogical completely
raquel simply
i simply
your nailogical
not logical
no simply
cristine it
vibes no
raquel qualify
raquel i
logical not
know know
seen cristine
not logical
logical idea
on guys
rotenberg im
raquel simply
simply cristine
simply pretty
simply all
simply oh
amazed not
cristine logical
nailogical oops
simply raquel
not we
way by
nailogical could
shit simply
explain to
not oh
raquel not
not cristine
raquel cristine
simply please
cristine make
simply not
nailogical not
raquel am
simply simply
raquel simply
cristine truth
simply raquel
you rotenberg
cristine simply
dont treat
rotenberg why
simply logical
it simply
simply on
hey simply
the simply
understand it
has happened
not whats
understand it
shy simply
simply not
simply does
logical rotenberg
simply cristine
simply not
don%27t simply
time did
nailogical simply
pretty logical
cristine omg
simply not
logical cristine
rotenberg so
lol not
simply next