Sera Discord Emojis

thinkinghmmwonderinggood eveningpensandoi wonderconfusedde verdadwhat
jennifer aniston
ironico ah
ariana thinking
doubt cat
sera thinking
think ponder
do what
hmm rotate
pensando thenorio
thinking emm
sera percebi
sera manual
hmm emojis
interesa serio
curious thinking
tenho duvidas
guess people
worried pig
see rope
sera ser
hmm thinking
pondering deciding
confusa sei
qu%C3%A9ser%C3%A1eso charlie
veras de
nao sei
see vamos
%3F girl
emoji wondering
i who
esti liliom
you could
dreams night
thinking unsure
hmm question
desligado logo
thinking huh
evening get
eye confused
uno sei
greetings evening
wondering me
what thinking
sera lucas
eu that
emoji thinking
good blink
chistosas sera
evening have
google be
entaota fausto
jean sera
wondering thinking
anime where
evening vec50
love google
letmethink imthinking
%E3%82%93%E3%83%BC %E8%80%83%E3%81%88%E4%B8%AD
sera pso2
confused thinking
cinema acho
thumbs choice
a have
rsi rs
love heart
%E6%80%9D%E3%81%86 thinking
seriously de
pretty woman
oliveira devo
hair top
va wonder
confusing confused
lopez sera
you do
pondering wondering
meditando padrino
nogallas riazor
serata buona
hand evening
a evening
verdade verdade
evening good
est%C3%A9t sz%C3%A9p
moon goodnight
certeza thati
verdad reyes
sem assim
sera jam
thonk fall
beach evening
wondering rotate
almay%C4%B1n alan%C4%B1
ver cierto
alan maths