Exactly the Same Discord Emojis

sameidenticalsimilarnetflixthe sametheres no differencejust the samenot differentsame thing
are tyson
no baena
different not
slightly not
carter exact
feel same
dutton theres
sea just
maya bishop
same the
same following
it do
yep yeah
does at
exactly niharika
marsh thinking
relatable ifeelthat
usual im
same thing
the same
you mind
park to
vulvokov of
angel kingsley
super are
as identity
exactly difference
movies sheets
i same
the the
say international
same moving
exactly eddie
something equal
just you
same text
very just
youre you
the the
slow south
the different
but die
gilford midnight
feel thats
fuel the
same exception
talk same
the clash
hailee hawkeye
become was
sure the
southpark thats
going exactly
joking a
the same
same again
just andy
else you
thinking lost
bustle the
same brownlee
digi z
same same
day mothers
you you
time big
it the
south its
exactly i
afterlife gb21
all the
not animated
same the
thing park
is day
thirty ten
sullivan same
know star
like johnny
apple watch
all song
cartman care
is samus
free live
same me
fcb san
the same
sad w8ted
for the
sending blow
muppet was
park wendy
exactly groundhog
agree i
of like
me same
exactly too
its gardner
exactly sosa
same always