Just the Same Discord Emojis

samesame old same oldme toosame as yousame sameits just the same thingits the same thingidenticalsimilar
fagarita tft
per identity
just bishop
exactly basically
different that
different the
difference im
that frey
we a
us the
fall of
park marsh
the same
used to
exactly its
similar royale
my i
else just
right i
pinching people
what same
dissimilar different
squirrel wee
same same
same casey
over johnson
homeless original
me nailogical
just really
dont raquel
yeah usual
year me
similar i
same mondo
possible its
same the
them them
same the
sundquist josh
hyde sam
asuka langley
imsodumb realization
feel im
boquafious sidney
chris different
greys same
black was
roll make
work harlow
it mutual
jadakiss you
voted jazminantoinette
amit same
omori omorikel
finch that
the theyre
of dane
so same
i same
knight knight
yay working
happy year
is rebecca
you can
im just
never you