Colin Ford Discord Emojis

josh wheelerdaybreaknetflixapocalypseend of the worldsurprisedhuhconfusedwhat
colin ford
plano zecstar
academy freeway
smh young
f45quaranteam quaranteam
feelings ugh
public schools
tell colin
palumbo vote1500
uh no
bzmx dnd
wow whoa
idea idk
raise eyebrow
ford colin
worried out
surprised huh
ford colin
colin ford
sure right
weird weirdo
different change
ford wow
apologize im
on skating
good colin
blank not
to colin
chill colin
course josh
im eyes
okay crying
you wont
colin treat
confused huh
ford thinking
on whats
disappointed dean
thats you
on me
happening ford
omg whoa
would way
you middle
serious you
do remember
love are
shocked shook
what im
deal agreed
kissing makeout
happening no
mop flirt
cool it
holy oh