This Is Not Right Discord Emojis

not rightthats not rightits not rightits wrongthis is wrongwrongbet networksnetflixsomethings not right
right right
tonton tontonsticker
is wrong
sneaky ok
puppy levels
not that
this theres
kelly not
right wrong
rivera bad
lost wrong
kim thats
caroline thats
s9e4 eric
right liz
garrison concert
oprah winfrey
is on
shit fat
eric concert
sketchy not
is correct
not good
okay right
like this
tweek right
command the
anything or
right not
bruh frazier
wrong isnt
you dont
something right
thats fair
wrong 303
disenchantment elfo
not okay
jared not
not is
you not
somethings somethings
castlevania right
right night
unacceptable not
gkb ke
no way
not fair
i mcelroy
right gizelle
stan not
wolfe is
ashnichrist no
not thats
finnigan lidia
nolan sykes
not true
right right
south thats
not correct
this world
not thats
paulicelli just
ricky thats
head thats
right not
south death
right this
a the
daniel is
violent right
im pretend
not were
murders the
lego wrong
right tampa
mistake not
wrong it
south park
right not
s12e3 true
news radio
fatima thats
landon aint
its kupris
doesnt warren
thats okay
incorrect you
what thats
adventures of
right not
right on
dont not
is fishy
wendy testaburger
this not
so hunts
there not
john at
wrong right
mark something