Leslie David Baker Discord Emojis

the officestanley hudsonstanleydunder mifflinnbcnoddingyesscrantoneye roll
nod yeah
agree yeah
stanley sleeping
assured was
baker the
hudson office
hudson nodding
blinks dont
walking rushing
baker leslie
run baker
oh my
you thats
annoying no
stanley leslie
office yes
roll eye
waiting blank
theoffice stare
office donc
stare office
way omg
smith phyllis
office hudson
laughing cant
leslie stanley
stanley rolling
stutter leslie
david baker
your leslie
david leslie
david baker
office stanley
david office
leslie stanley
roll david
stanley life
stanley lol
leslie office
annoyed eye
away run
baker do
theoffice fastwalk
hudson eyeroll
office leslie
hudson david
kaling you
quit talking
away the
david stanley