Dewanda Wise Discord Emojis

shes gotta have itnola darlingnetflixannoyedsmilekayla wattsjurassic world dominionhappyugh
wise jurassic
wise jurassic
yikes oh
frustrated annoyed
impressed darling
relax smoke
watts dominion
have shes
seduce yum
good werk
tired ugh
smile shy
over ugh
ok sure
you nola
hmm cute
nola dewanda
eyeroll annoyed
excited darling
dewanda gotta
i like
gotta dont
smile shy
mhhm drink
world wise
seriously stare
us wise
fierce werk
amazing youre
her dewanda
wise is
watts it
hell it
shes wise
no nope
wise love
haha lol
wise it
dewanda am
it like
mhhm okay
lol funny
amazing great
have dewanda
it thats
i to
frustrated nola
headache annoyed
happy darling
smile nola