Detective Sonny Carisi Discord Emojis

peter scanavinosvunbclaw and orderspecial victims unitnbcsvudetective amanda rollinskelli giddishlaw & order special victims unit
carisi law
rollisi law
carisi unit
detective glaring
start should
looking a
amanda posing
detective special
maxwell dominick
special scanavino
lieutenant olivia
giddish carisi
giddish detective
carisi sonny
it peter
ponder special
detective law
unit special
carisi detective
lieutenant discussing
detective sonny
amanda kelli
detective rollins
explaining calm
sonny victims
amazing perfect
idea no
investigating explaining
writing notes
investigating out
entering investigating
scanavino odafin
looking upset
sonny carisi
detective questioning
pissed off
be of
investigating sonny
scared praying
amanda lovers
playing scanavino
see what
carisi disbelief
stay leave
tired getting
clever sly
benson amanda
confusion away
investigating inspecting
breaking in
investigating watching