Alex the Ghost Discord Emojis

being humanhal yorkelord harryalexalex millarghostdamien maloneycall of dutywar zome
champion what
sex sex
ghost and
alex the
war echo
monkeys cookies
being passionately
millar the
alex ghost
collins chad
sad alex
alex being
i know
ghost lord
you yorke
tom nair
human the
hal the
ashamed alex
yorke alex
harry alex
of zome
trying chocolate
zome of
maloney hal
nair tom
alex fair
the mc
hal and
socha alex
alex with
deth hal
war michael
alex being
de ghost
being ghost
alex being
harry damien
hal the
dead human
human the
human alex
you alex
alex being
chad of
veerana ghost
yorke the
michael echo